Canada Benson Academy is a prestigious private boarding high school overseen by a seasoned Canadian educator. Situated in Windsor, Ontario, the academy is located adjacent to the esteemed University of Windsor. Established in 1914, Canada Benson Academy boasts a rich century-long history. Today, it is a government-registered private high school directly supervised by the Ministry of Education in Canada. Setting it apart from many other private institutions, the academy is authorized to grant the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) to its students. Moreover, instruction is provided by certified Ontario professional teachers. The educational experience at Canada Benson Academy is truly unique. Not only do we offer a personalized curriculum, but we also tailor it to guide students towards admission to some of the world's leading universities. Impressively, our campuses have achieved a remarkable 96% admission rate for successive graduates, with over 40% of students being awarded substantial admission scholarships. Benson Academy is committed to implementing the Comprehensive Care education program, which is designed to assist students in securing placements at top-tier universities.
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